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Week: 3:


Spoke with Jose and Professor Solomon about who my audience for the Ignite speech would be in regards to if I would recite the speech to just Jose and Professor Solomon, the TAs, or my discussion group.

Chronology Notes

May 11:


Wrote an opposing view for speech. Read a Huffington Post college article. This article sparked my idea to do my ignite speech in a narrative.

Wednesday May 13:

Made 4 slides.


Wednesday May 13:


Made 4 slides. 


May 14:


In the morning, I developed a 1 minute narrative. Next, I practiced the 1 minute speech at Price center west in front of Debra.  In class I did a practice run of my 1 minute ignite speech. My mom scanned to me lecture notes and PowerPoint slides from the IETF seminar at UCSD. I received three separate emails with the whole packet.  


May 15:


In the Communication building editing room, I practiced my speech while Debra filmed me (Same 1 minute speech that I did in class). I was filmed five different times. I thought including stories of the music concert and hospital incident with a nurse. I also looked at including the issue of people thinking that I look nervous or drunk: That would be the misconception slide.  


May 15-16:


Wrote out and put images to slides 5-7. Found pictures online. Cropped images and put together the images on each slide.


May 16:


For the social media slide, I used my twitter and Facebook pages. I took pictures with my cell phone and emailed them to myself. Then I cropped each picture and made a social media collage. I went on the IETF website and found out that they have a Google Plus and I took a picture and added it to the collage.  Then on online resources slide I planned out what sites I would use by writing out a list of ET sites. Created Wix Website and choose a template. 1:37AM I conceptualized ideas for each PowerPoint slide.  I wrote the works cited page for pictures I used in PowerPoint slides and on Wix.


May 17:


Chose images for more slides. Then I cropped images to put on the slides. Made works cited. Kept track of links on a separate word document. Took more photos for each of the slides and then set each slide for 15 seconds each. At 3:36 AM I thought about using three slides to tell my narrative through Age 5, 14, and current (24). The 24 year old depicts raising awareness and educating people. The 5 year old is where the journey stars. And 14 years old is the diagnosis. In the 5, 14, and 24 slides there will be a picture of me at the age. Preferably the picture will showcase at age 5 me writing, at age 14 being in school, and at age 24 advocating for Essential tremor. 7:04PM. Worked on completing two slides. I waited to add three photos of me until I received an email from my mom who has copies of the photos. At 7:47 PM I sent myself an email of a picture for the PowerPoint. At 8:00 PM I finished all 20 slides for  the PowerPoint. 7:53 PM finished works cited list. Finished list of websites which had links to the images used in my PowerPoint Slides and speech. 8:09 PM Formatted each picture with a frame shadow. Finished putting in all the images except for the photos of me at different ages.  8:10PM added a selfie with Debra and me for the 24 years old slide. 11:28 PM Received email from my mom with photos of me at age 5 and age 14.  Looked at photos and chose the one for age 5 slides and the one for age 14 slides. Cropped them to fit each of the slides.  At 11:35PM I cropped the photo of me at 5 years old. Then I chose a photo of me at 14. Then I cropped the photo of me at 14. Power Point finished at 11:50 PM. 10PM talked to a friend on the phone and told her my speech


May 18:


Started to make sure everything was uniformly formatted. Pictures centered. And titles in the right places.  12:16: retiled two slides. Used full length name for one (International Essential Tremor Foundation) for the other I used the acronym. I also resized a title. 12:31 AM: For age 5 photos, I thought about using a photo of me in the Music Man when I put up my trombone in the band before everyone else in the ensemble. (Not sure if I was 5). Emailed mom at 12:32 to see if she could email me the photo and if I was 5. 11:28 my mom emailed me three more photos of me. One at 5 and two at 14. At 4:12 PM On Facebook I saw photo of the IETF mobile app created by IETF on their Facebook page and decided  I would use it instead of the photo I already have. I decided for the 5 years picture to use the trumpet photo instead. For the 14 picture I decided to use one of the two trombone pictures.  4:33 PM I changed the 5 year old picture to the one of me with my trumpet. Then at 4:35PM I cropped the photo. At 4:38 PM I put the photo on the first slide. Then at 4:39PM I formatted the photo. Then I decided what 14 year old band photo I would use. At 4:45PM I pasted the photo in and formatted it. At 5:00 PM I looked at my works cited page and changed from the IETF mobile phone app photo to the mobile app phone photo from IETF Facebook page. At 5:04 PM. I deleted the works cited for mobile phone app from IETF and change it on the website list. At 5:05PM I recreated the works cited. At 5:06PM I put it on the website list. 5:11PM copied Facebook photo and cropped it to fit power point slide. Repositioned the photos on the slide. Then I completed the full power point at 5:19 PM. At 5: 23PM. I went through all 20 slides and formatted them. Then at 5:24PM I played the full slide show with each slide timed at 15 seconds to see how the images would look. 5:43PM -5:45 watched power point presentation. Watched three times.


May 20, 2015:


Wrote an outline out with each of the 20 topics to form speech at 3:22 PM. At 3:23 PM I wrote the one minute speech that I said in class on May 14. 3:28 PM wrote ideas underneath each slide topic. 3:47 PM: Used ideas to formulate speech. 3:54 PM: Added more information underneath each topic for age 5. 3:57 PM started to write speech. 4:21 PM. Wrote speech. While writing reorganized where the slide topics would be in the PowerPoint. At 4:30PM as I was writing my speech, I started to reorganize slides. At 4:40PM I started to reorganize the topics with ideas on a separate page. At 4:45PM I wrote speech while transferring and reordering topics/ideas to another word document. At 9:34 I timed the speech that I had written out so far and was almost three minutes.  At 10 PM. I finished writing speech. Then I printed out a copy and timed the speech to see if it is 5 minutes by using the timed PowerPoint. Then I went to the PowerPoint and reordered the slides to fit the speech at 10:05 PM. At 10:10 PM I timed the speech. At 10:30PM I used the stopwatch on my phone to time the speech. At 10:39 took works cited and put it in alphabetical order.  At 11:43 PM. Added works cited to works cited tab on Wix and put up picture for the works cited. 

May 21:


At 2:45 PM at the loft I met with Jose to talk about the speech. We discussed the PowerPoint slides and the speech and how they would work when giving the speech. The meeting ended at 3:15 PM. At 4:00PM I added a works cited button and information to my home page. At 4:05PM I added a link to my blog Shake It Up and information to the home page. I also created a works cited and link to my blog for the top menu bar. Then between 4:30PM and 6:05 PM, I changed the color and style of the lines to match. I made sure every line was even and matched.


May 22:


At 10:10AM worked on website. I added a contact us page and a subscription page. At 12 PM to 4: 30 PM filmed for the ET documentary with Debra. The filming and using her script she wrote for the film helped me formulate ideas for my final script for Ignite. I used unscripted and scripted ideas in the practice run for the ET documentary/ignite. Practiced written speech at 1:30PM. At 6:00 PM I worked on Wix site and changed the font style, size, and color to be uniform on each page. 6:30PM on Wix I fixed the font, size, and color for the subscription and contact us page.  At 7:00PM I adjusted the picture for the links page. Between 8:00 and 9:53 PM I published the site about 7 times and saved it and saw what the finished product looked like to make adjustments to the site. 9:56 PM: I moved the header on the home page up so that there would not be as much space between the different pages and the header.  At 9:58 I added the picture for the works cited link. 10:50PM on Wix site thought about adding pull down tabs to process page to separate emails, works cited, speech, videos, pictures, excetra. At 10:54PM I made a list of the drop down bars I would need. Then at 10:56PM I went on Wix and made 6 pull down windows. At 11:14 PM I changed the menu bar style and color as well as font. At 11:31PM I made the menu bar smaller and moved it to the top of the webpage. Then at 11:32PM I created a contact us sign to put on the contact us page. Then at 11:35 I created a drop down on the process for the chronology. At 11:48PM I made the menu bar smaller.  Then at 11:52PM I changed the contact us from green to black. Then at 11:53, I thought of taking a picture with my cell phone of my blog shake it up to be the picture for the home page. At 11:55 PM added link to my word documents with all the links that I used for the PowerPoint/speech/website. 11:58 PM Added about page from the website because I used information from the website. At 11:59 PM made note that I need to create five sources for final works cited.


May 23, 2015:


12:01 AM: Took photo of home page of Shake It Up blog. Then I emailed it to my Gmail at 12:03 AM after having to take three photos. Then I saved it on my desktop at 12: 04 AM. Then I uploaded it to Wix at 12:06 AM. Then I formatted the photo to fit in the space 1207: AM. Then at 12:15 AM I looked for images for the links page and could not find any images yet that matched what I was looking for. 1:15PM recorded narrative for Debra’s speech, which gave me ideas for mine as I edit my version. 1:35PM Debra wrote new script for me to speak. At 2:00PM I worked on transferring a video clip from my Facebook page to Wix. At 2:50 PM I formatted the link from Facebook on my process page under the video tab. Then I created the title and made it so the link was linked to Facebook.  Then at 2:52PM we switched from room 239 to room 218 in the COMM building for the editing rooms. Then I practiced my speech for timing at 2:55PM. Then my speech was timed at 8 minutes 13 seconds. Before I got the 8 minutes and 13 seconds recorded I did two previous tries where I spoke mistakes and stopped.  So I then at 3:10PM started to rewrite the speech and got it down to 5 minutes 23 seconds. Before getting it to 5 minutes and 23 seconds after editing, at 4:20 PM I recorded a version where I had trouble saying the speech. Then from 5:15 PM to 5:20PM I copied audio from editing room to my flash drive of the ignite speech and Debra’s documentary.  Thought about at 6:30-:6:34 PM putting my two CSUN youth orchestra photos on my process video page. They inspired me to write about trombone and tremor.


May 24:


At 11:20PM made changes to my ignite speech creating a 3 draft. At 11:30PM. I practiced my ignite speech to see how long it was.  At 11:35 PM saved the recording because it got stopped when my computer went to sleep. Second recording for time started at 11:36PM. At 12:30PM called my friend Laura to see if she could send the solo piece I played at my final Sonoma concert. At 10:39PM I uploaded drafts of works cited on to the Wix page under the process page works cited tab. At 11: 30PM I added Pictures to the pictures tab of the process page.


May 25:


12:06AM I Saved images from PowerPoint as pictures to my desktop.  Then I put them onto my process page of the picture pull down tab at 12: 18AM. At 11:14 AM I made a fourth edited draft of my speech. I changed the speech into a narrative as if I was telling a story to a friend. Then at 12 noon I put all three draft scripts up on the process page draft script tab. Then at 12:15 PM I made all the pages and pull down tab pages have the same fonts and styles of being bold and italicized. Then at 12:18PM I published and save the site. At 5:34, I timed my speech to see how long the fourth version was.  At 5:44PM I did a second recording to see the full time.  8:18PM I put up the one minute of speech on Wix. Then at 8:20PM I took version for of speech and took one line out. At 8:53PM I practiced my speech again and cut out a few things and got the speech to five minutes.  At 9:24 PM I took my sound clips and uploaded them to Sound Cloud. At 9 30PM I went on to Gmail and then downloaded to Google drive to sound clips from my tablet. I then created a title and link to the Google Drive sound clip. Then at 10:00PM I made sound cloud clips on my Wix. At 10: 40PM I decided to make a collage of pictures for the trombone and tremor slide.  Then at 10:45 PM I choose pictures to put on the trombone and tremor slide. Then at 10:52 PM I added one photos of me in ensembles. Then at 10:54 PM on Wix I added one photo to the pictures tab of the process page. At 10:59 PM I took a picture of the Social Media ET slide and sent it to my Gmail. Then I saved it to my desktop and posted it on Wix at 11:00PM. Then at 11:03 I took a picture of the IETF online resources page and then emailed it to my Gmail and then put on my desktop and then at 11:06 put my picture on WIX.  


May 26:


9:45PM, I put PowerPoint slides in order to match as best as possible with speech.  At 5:30- 6:00PM I took The Essential Tremor Music Logo and made an about Rachel and essential tremor icon for WIX. At 944PM I took a picture of the about picture that I made. Then at 9:46PM I saved it on my desktop. Then at 9:48 PM I uploaded it to WIX. Then at 9:50PM I put it on the picture tab of the process page.


May 27:


At 12:14 AM I printed out 13 copies of Facts About ET and ET versus Parkinson’s sheets from the IETF website. Then I stapled the three page packets at 12:18AM. At 12:37AM I put the picture of About on the About page. At 4:30PM I put together my 8 notes cards. At 6:16PM I practiced the speech with my note cards.  At 6: 6:20 to 6:40 I practiced my speech three times with the PowerPoint. At 9:44PM I practiced the speech. At 10:00PM I read my speech to my mom over the phone.


May 28:


Was with Debra at the Price Center at 12:30PM and Practiced my speech. At around 2:00PM, I went first when reciting my speech during discussion. At 4:15PM I added About Essential Tremor from IETF website to my works cited. At 4:30PM I submitted my final speech to TurnItIn. At 4:45 I emailed Jose and attached my PowerPoint.  At 9:37PM I created the about section on myself. At 10:33PM I am working on the words for the purpose of the site. At 10:47PM I chose about 5 links and put them on the front of the links page and then at 10:50PM I labeled each tab with each link and put the title on each tabs page for each of the links.  At 11:17PM I found 7 possible links to use. At 11:31PM I added the 8 version of works cited to the process page tab that said works cited and at 11:33PM I added the 8 version of works cited to the works cited page. At 11:46PM I fixed the shake it up blog to link to the website and open in a new page.


May 29:


At 11:30AM I uploaded the speech from May 28 onto my computer from Debra’s flash drive. Then at 11:40AM I uploaded the video to my YouTube account. Then while the video was uploading I created the tags, description and title at around 11:45AM. Then at 12:30PM I put the video on my Wix. At 11:00PM I downloaded photos from the Winter quarter support group meeting. Then at 11:05 PM I copied the photos to my desktop. Then at 11: 08PM I made a San Diego ET support group photos tab under the process page. At 11:13PM I uploaded all 10 photos to the ET photos page.  At 1125PM I arranged the photos on the process page tab for the ET group and resized them to fit the page.


May 31, 2015:


 At 7:45PM I took photos of my first 7 emails. Then I put them up on the website. Then at 8:45PM I did the second set of emails and put them up on my website.  Then I took the third set at 9:24 PM and put them on the website. Then I put the fourth set of emails at 9:45PM. Then the fifth set of emails at 10:06PM Then at 10:30PM did sixth set of emails. 

June 1, 2015:


I put the edited version of the about section at 5:34PM. At 6:00PM on the home page, I edited each of the 6 sections descriptions and changed the heading of the website home page. Then at 6:02 PM I found a picture for the links page. Then at 6:24 PM I added the picture to the links location on the home page and on the links page. Then at 6:44PM I uploaded and edited the next set of photos to put on the more emails page of the process page.  From 7:00PM till 9:30PM I was editing photos on the pictures tab, San Diego ET Meetings tab, Speech Scripts tab, and Sound Clip tab of the process page. At 9:37PM I edited emails and put them up under the More Emails tab of the process page.


June 2:


At 12:19 AM made the works cited for the images used on Wix.  Then at 12:41 am I put the works cited nine on the works cited tab of the process page.  Then at 12:42 am I organized the final works cited with works cited nine. Then at 12:50AM I put up the final works cited on the works cited page.  Then at 1:01AM I formatted the works cited. At 1:105AM I added on the home page a tab and then a page for the Shake It Up Documentary. At 1:20AM I stretched out the option bar so that all the tabs would be available.  At 5:30PM I gave my ignite speech to a room of 300 people in lecture. At 7:36 I posted what videos need to on the videos page of the process page.


June 4, 2015:


 Putting up images on the More Planning notes and planning notes at 8:15PM.


June 5:


At 12:27 AM I uploaded speech rough drafts. And works cited. At 11:30PM I added website links to my social media site icons.


June 6:


12:06AM I edited pages to make sure that all uploads could be viewed. At 12:10AM I uploaded speech practice clips to SoundCloud. Then at 12:30AM I uploaded them to the WIX More Speech tab under process page. Then at 12:45 AM I fixed all the fonts to look the same.


June 8:


I added website links to my YouTube account. I also finalized the chronology. Then I put up the chronology on the process page under the chronology tab. 


June 9:


I added roughly 100 words to each link. Then I copied and pasted them under each websites title under the links tab. 



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